So, it's the first night of Hanukkah and with absolutely no prompting, hinting or requesting, Dina whipped up a batch of her, now famous, crispy potato latkes. It's amazing how perfectly delicious some shredded potatoes and onions can come together to epitomize this holiday like nothing else can. With the first candle lit, we dined on a pile of latkes and took it easy after a busy day full of running around the city taking care of house stuff.

My love affair with latkes goes way back. My mom and grandma used to make them every Hanukkah, each of them with their own twist on the classic recipe. Now, Dina has taken over and has produced such a worthy contender that it has even become a part of the Christmas morning tradition at her sister's house. It has been requested that we make these once again this year in Toronto on Christmas day, and who are we to say no?

Happy Holidays to everyone out there...I'd like to encourage you all to try something new this holiday season and share your love of food with everyone at the table.
Happy Chanukah......mmmmm there is really nothing like a crispy potato latke to start this holiday....looks so yummy....looking forward to make some on Sunday.....
Those latkes look amazing! Unfortunately, I cannot subject my small studio apartment to mass quantities of oil (my sheets would smell like oil forever!), so I have to wait until my family party on Sunday. Can't wait - latkes are my favorite!!
mmmm...yummy...would love to know Dina's secret to such perfect latkes.....I sent Dina a latke on facebook last nite b4 even seeing this post this AM - too funny! See u Sunday!
Christmas morning Brunch is not the same without Latkas. Delish!
happy chanukah guys! hope you have a wonderful time! looks like you're already off to a great start.
The latkes are my FAVORITE part of Hanukkah!!! These look fantastic...I can't believe I haven't had a latke yet.
Amazing looking latkes! Will we get a recipe ever? :)
Mony and Dina - I've been wanting to include you guys in Chew on That's Monthly Mouthful for awhile now but I haven't been able to find an e-mail address on your site. If you're interested in participating, please e-mail me at chewonthatblog[at]gmail[dot]com. I'd love to include you!
Hello! I've been a reader for a while now. If you want to participate, I've tagged you for a meme.
And the latkes look crispy and delicious.
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