No matter how much you enjoy a trip, there is no feeling that matches that of coming home. There is that warm comfort of knowing that everything is still the same, and most importantly, that your bed is just as comfy as you remember it being.
After an extremely long day, with the majority of the time waiting in airport lines, it was nice to be able to come home and unwind. It was also nice knowing that I would have dinner ready for me upon my arrival.
Mony chose to make salmon, along with a crisp romaine salad. It was a wonderful change from the indulgent business dinners I had in Maryland. Maryland is a beautiful state with restaurants on every corner and I wish I could say that I tried some great local restaurants but the truth is, chain restaurants won the vote every time (hanging my head in shame). Although, for chain restaurants I think we did pretty good - some of those included
Ruth's Chris, and
The Cheesecake Factory. It was my first time at Ruth's Chris and boy are those guys serious about good food and good service. One of the the items we had there were the
crab cakes and they did not disappoint. Maryland is quite famous for their crab cakes, which were sweet and tender with practically no fillers. It put all other crab cakes to shame (sorry, Mony!).
Anyways, enough about that. Now, back to my homecoming...

Mony marinated the salmon fillets in a mixture of lemon zest, garlic, olive oil, s&p, and some fresh garden herbs (those included thyme, chives, and oregano). Once we got home from the airport, he added a splash of lemon juice, placed them in the oven, and helped me unpack. 20 minutes later when we were ready for dinner, the fish was perfectly done and ready to be eaten.

It was a wonderful dinner and a relaxing night...just the way I like it.
Maryland was great, but I'm glad to be back home.